When you make an insurance claim, your insurance company already has attorneys, accountants and adjusters in place. You need a team of experienced professionals with your best interests in mind to ensure the determination on your claim is fair and in line with your policy.
Varnum has significant experience in pursuing insurance coverage for individuals and corporations against their insurance companies. From the date of your loss and through the entire litigation process, Varnum will assist you in securing the appropriate benefits under the terms of your insurance policy.
Our practice encompasses all areas of insurance coverage, including:
- Asbestos coverage
- Bond coverage
- Business interruption coverage
- Commercial property coverage
- Comprehensive general liability coverage
- Directors and officers coverage
- Employee benefits coverage
- Environmental pollution coverage
- Errors and omissions coverage
- Fire loss coverage
- Health care coverage
- No-fault automobile coverage
- Personal injury liability coverage
- Residential property coverage
- Title insurance coverage